Monday, May 25, 2009

My term 2 goals

Hi guys

My first goal: My work habit goal is to improve on leading my class as councillor, i have achieved this by improving my behaviour to nearly perfect.

My second goal: My learning goal is to read 1 full book, I will have achieved this by reading in class and at home.

My third goal : My personnal goal is to get better at gymnastics, I will have achieved this by doing this in p.e.

I reckon the hardest challenge for me on these goals is the second goal and I will update you with my progress on my goals

Bye bye

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fish'n chip footy

Hi guys

As the captain of room 24 football team I will update you on our games. On monday our team played room 8 and we won 2-0. I scored the first goal in the first half. Second half was on and Zach put a stuner of a goal in the back of the net. Next week I will update you with our progress so bye bye.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fish'n Chip Footy

Hi peoples

Fish'n chip footy is done on class competition. It started today and our first game is on monday against room8. Wednesday last week I got named as our class (24) captain. The next day I named the team and it is the best team in the school. Fish'n chip footy goes on for the whole of term 2. Got to go I will update you soon on the footy ta ta. Check out Manchester uniteds website